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The National Maritime Museum in Greenwich houses the largest collection of scale ship models in the world. Many of the models are official, contemporary artifacts made by the craftsmen of the Royal Navy or the shipbuilders themselves, ranging from the mid-seventeenth century to the present day. As such they represent a three-dimensional archive of unique importance and authority. Treated as historical evidence, they offer more detail than even the best plans, and demonstrate exactly what the ships looked like in a way that even the finest marine painter could not achieve. Now available in paperback, this book tells the story of the evolution of the cruising ship under sail. It includes a large number of model photos all in full-color as well as close-up and detail views. These are captioned in depth, but many are also annotated to focus attention on interesting or unusual features. Although pictorial in emphasis, The Sailing Frigate weaves the pictures into an authoritative text, producing an unusual and attractive form of technical history. While the series will be of particular interest to ship modelers, all those with an interest in ship design and development will be attracted to the in-depth analysis of these beautifully presented books., This book is one of a series that uses the best models from the incomparable collection of the National Maritime Museum to tell the story of specific ship types - in this case, the evolution of the cruising ship under sail. Each volume reproduces a large number of model photos, all in full colour, including many close-up and detail views. These are captioned in depth, but many are also annotated to focus attention on interesting or unusual features. Although pictorial in emphasis, the book weaves the pictures into an authoritative text, producing an unusual and attractive form of technical history Book jacket.

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The second edition of this popular reference on the topic has been substantially revised, notably with chapter 8, extensions of the basic HMM, now expanded to four chapters with many more models included.Now we have a book that justifies our obsession."--James Floyd Kelly, blogger for and, No, this isn't a book about joining some fringe cult.Edmund Dantes, unjustly convicted of aiding the exiled Napoleon, escapes after 14 years of imprisonment and seeks his revenge in Paris., Presents a tale of love and revenge in the post-Napoleonic era.Each chapter also includes examples of each model type, comment sections that provide practical guidance, model extensions, and recommended readings.They gone on to argue that these dilemmas recurin four present-day debates: the growth of prime ministerial power, the decline in individual and collective ministerial accountability, politicisation of the public service, and executive dominance of the legislature.The aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive, integrated review of FHT modelling of times-to-event and its place within the general context of the analysis of lifetime data."Bill DeYoung's story of the construction of the original and second span of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, of the accident in 1980 that destroyed it, and of John Lerro, the harbor pilot steering the Summit Venture that struck the bridge, is spellbinding and reads like a mystery."--Robert Kerstein, author of Key West on the Edge "Bill DeYoung's meticulous reconstruction of how Florida's mightiest bridge was built and then destroyed is a compelling read, full of telling details and tragic irony."--Craig Pittman, author of The Scent of Scandal On the morning of May 9, 1980, harbor pilot John Lerro was guiding a 600-foot freighter, the Summit Venture , into Tampa Bay.Second, the constitutional convention of ministerial and collective responsibility.Completion of the railroad was initially stalled by lack of funding, but the project was resurrected in the early twentieth century and completed in 1912.Although pictorial in emphasis, the book weaves the pictures into an authoritative text, producing an unusual and attractive form of technical history.Introducing Business English provides a comprehensive overview of this topic, situating the concepts of Business English and English for Specific Business Purposes within the wider field of English for Special Purposes.